Matti Leskinen 2012-01-31

Thunderstorms 2010-08-08

Structures of an outdoor concert stage were broken by downburst in Pori, obviously at about 13 UTC.
Large hail, diameter reaching about 5 cm, in Sastamala, probably at about 14 UTC.
High winds around Helsinki at the front edge of thunderstorms from south, after 18 UTC. Insect migration crossing the sea was observed at the front edge of the thunderstorm cells, including large insects.

Kumpula and Järvenpää weather

Kumpula 15-22 UTC
radiation and precipitation

SMEAR mast radiation sensors, Ott Pluvio precipitation on the roof of Physicum, Ott time shifted 4 minutes earlier.

Kumpula and Järvenpää

Averages of one minute periods.

Kumpula and Järvenpää
wind speed

Average speed of one minute periods.

Kumpula and Järvenpää
wind speed

Average speed and maximum speed of one minute periods.
Due to the recording interval in Kumpula the maximum speed values are for 10 s periods at this site.

wind speed

Precipitation rate by Ott Pluvio on the Physicum roof with time shift 6 min earlier, to match the visibility sensor record.
Visibility by Vaisala PWD11 on the Physicum roof.
Temperature in the SMEAR mast at 32 m.
Wind speed and virtual temperature by sonic anemometer in the SMEAR mast at 16 m level.

Wind speed
00-24 EEST

Maximum speed of 3 s averages during the hour, the standard parameter, and averages of 1 and 10 minute periods.

Wind speed

Wind direction

Averages of one minute periods.

Rainfall rate

Distromet RD-69 with AD-69.

Kumpula radar wind soundings

Dual PRF 16-22 UTC

High PRF 16-22 UTC

Kumpula radar reflectivity PPIs

Second trip echoes (echoes from the previous transmitted pulse) occurred, otherwise the weak echoes were related mostly to insects in the air. Some arc shaped structures caused by the weak antenna sidde lobes can be spotted.

Kumpula radar PPIs

Järvenpää site = HYL, 31.9 km from Kumpula (KUM). Kerava radar = KER, 22.1 km from Kumpula.
Hailstorms caused attenuation in the echoes from behind the storms, and the radial velocity was much aliased in some directions.

18:07 UTC

Differential reflectivity
18:07 UTC

Radial velocity
18:07 UTC

Radial velocity
Dual PRF, 0.7 degrees
18:23 UTC

Radial velocity
Dual PRF, 2.9 degrees
18:24 UTC

Dual PRF, 0.7 degrees
18:23 UTC

Dual PRF, 2.9 degrees
18:24 UTC

18:37 UTC

Differential reflectivity
18:37 UTC

Radial velocity
18:37 UTC

Kumpula vertical cross-sections towards Järvenpää

Vertical cross-sections (RHI images) have distance/km on horizontal and height/km on vertical axis. Antenna sidelobe echoes of hail are present, and cause some structures overshooting the real cloud top.
At 18:33 UTC.
The radial speed near the surface away from the radar was above 16 m/s at 25 to 32 km distance with maximum about 25 m/s. This area covers the Centre of Järvenpää, and something south of it in Tuusula.
The highest radial speeds of about 30 m/s were observed at about 3 km altitude. Above 3 km radial speeds were lower, and above 5 km even towards the radar, and again stronger away from the radar above 9 km, and ahead of the area where the precipitation was reaching the surface.

Kerava vertical cross-sections towards Järvenpää

Distance to Järvenpää site is 10.9 km. Last data from Kerava received in Kumpula was from the 18:27 UTC RHI.

Other vertical cross-sections

Kumpula RHIs before and after the storm was over Helsinki

At 17:51 UTC the azimuth is 160 degrees (SSE), at 18:49 UTC 340 degrees (NNW).

Kerava RHIs before the storm was over Helsinki

The vertical cross-section towards SSW, Kumpula radar at 22.1 km distance.

Kumpula and Kerava RHIs at the time the storm gets over Helsinki

The Kumpula vertical cross-section towards SSE, perpendicular to the coast, and the Kerava vertical cross-section towards SSW (Kumpula radar at 22.1 km distance).

Differential reflectivity and radial velocity

Elevation angle of 1.5 degrees, about 1 km height at 40 km distance.
Before and after the precipitation a lot of insects were coming from WSW-SSW, during precipitation the flow was much stronger from SSE.

Järvenpää radar images

Radial velocity
19:00 UTC

75 degrees elevation angle, 14.9 km altitude at 4 km distance.
Maximum radial speed is about 17 m/s at about 2 km height SSE of the radar, and notice that much fall speed is included.

Radial velocity
19:02 UTC

30 degrees elevation angle, 2.3 km altitude at 4 km distance.
Maximum radial speed is about 37 m/s at about 2 km height SSE from the radar, and notice that much fall speed is included.

19:04 UTC

Melting layer at about 3.5 km altitude, close range reflectivity is not corrected for the attenuation of the RF limiter.

Radial velocity
19:04 UTC

Maximum average downward speed (fall speed) about 8 m/s. This would mean radial velocity component of 7.7 m/s at 75 degrees and 4.0 m/s at 30 degrees elevation, about 15 and 8 m/s difference in SSE vs NNW (azimuths of the maximum radial velocities) in the PPIs.

Doppler spectrum width
19:04 UTC

Some turbulent spots, and widening of the Doppler spectra by fall speed range in rain (or hail) below the melting layer.