After Parker, 1982, Cherns, 2004, and Hoare & Farrell, 2004


Taxonomic listings of “paleoloricate” chitons may include other morphologically similar sclerites which may instead be aplacophoran or monoplacophoran molluscs.

<==o Polyplacophora (chitons; nivelkotilot, kitonit)
   `==o †Paleoloricata Bergenhayn, 1955
      |-- †Matthewia U.Camb. [paraphyletic Matthewiidae Walcott, 1886]
      `--+-- †Hemithecella L.Ord. [paraphyletic Matthewiidae Walcott, 1886]
         `--+--+-- †Conodia [paraphyletic Matthewiidae Walcott, 1886]
            |  `--+-- †Elongata [paraphyletic Matthewiidae Walcott, 1886]
            |     `-- †Robustum [paraphyletic Matthewiidae Walcott, 1886]
            `--+-- †Calceochiton
               |--+-- †Spicuchelodes
               |  `--o †Chelodes Davidson & King, 1874 [paraphyletic Matthewiidae Walcott, 1886]
               |     |-- †C. actinis Cherns, 1998
               |     |-- †C. bergmani Davidson & King, 1874
               |     |-- †C. bohemicus Barrande, 1867
               |     |-- †C. calceoloides Etheridge, 1897
               |     |-- †C. cordatus Hoare & Farrell, 2004; L.Dev. SWAust.
               |     |-- †C. depressus Bergenhayn, 1960
               |     |-- †C. gotlandicus Lindström, 1884
               |     |-- †C. intermedius Bergenhayn, 1960
               |     `-- †C. whitehousei Runnegar et al., 1979
               `--+-- †Thairoplax
                  `--+-- †Cobcrephora ?U.Ord.-Sil. Aust. [Phosphatoloricata Bischoff, 1981]
                     `--+-- †Plectrochiton
                        `--+-- †Gotlandochiton Bergenhayn, 1955
                           `--+--+-- †Alastega
                              |  `--+--o †Kindbladchiton
                              |     |  `-- †K. arbucklensis
                              |     `--+-- †Ivoechiton
                              |        `--+-- †Paleochiton
                              |           `-- †Gotlandochiton hami
                              `--+--+--o †Helmithochiton
                                 |  |  |-- †H. thraivensis
                                 |  |  `-- †H. griffithi
                                 |  `--+-- †Septemchiton [Septemchitonidae]
                                 |     `-- †Solenocaris
                                 `--o Neoloricata Bergenhayn, 1955
                                    |--o Lepidopleurida Thiele, 1910
                                    |  |-- †Gryphochiton
                                    |  |--o †Acutichitonidae Hoare, Mapes & Atwater, 1983
                                    |  |  `--o †Acutichiton Hoare, Sturgeon & Hoare, 1972
                                    |  |     |-- †A. pyrmidalus Hoare, Sturgeon & Hoare, 1972
                                    |  |     `-- †A. depressolatus Hoare & Farrell, 2004; L.Dev. SWAust.
                                    |  |--o Lepidopleuridae Pilsbry, 1892
                                    |  |  |-- †Jugochiton patulus Hoare & Farrell, 2004; L.Dev. SWAust.
                                    |  |  |-- †Harpidochiton auctus Hoare & Cook, 2002
                                    |  |  `== “Recent lepidopleurids”
                                    |  |-- Hanleyidae
                                    |  `-- Choriplacidae
                                    `--+--o †Multiplacophora
                                       |  |-- †Diadeloplax Dev.
                                       |  `-- †Strobilepis Carb.
                                       `--+?- Lepidochitona
                                          |--o Ischnochitonida
                                          |  |-- Subterenochitonidae
                                          |  |-- Ischnochitonidae
                                          |  |-- Schizoplacidae
                                          |  |-- Callochitonidae
                                          |  |-- Callistoplacidae
                                          |  |-- Chaetopleuridae
                                          |  |-- Mopaliidae
                                          |  |-- Schizochitonidae
                                          |  `-- Chitonidae (kitonit)
                                          `--o Acanthochitonida
                                             `-- Acanthochitonidae
