Mikko's Phylogeny Archive
  Mikko's Phylogeny Archive Main Groups of Protostomes

After Parker, 1982

Phylogeny of Early and Middle Paleozoic "archaeogastropods" after Wagner, 1995

<==o ARCHAEOGASTROPODA Thiele, 1925 [= Aspidobranchia, Cyclobranchia, Diotocordia, Scutibranchia] (kaksieteiskotilot) [paraphyletic grade of basal gastropods]
   |--o PLEUROTOMARIACEA [Zeugobranchia]
   |  |-- Pleurotomariidae
   |  |-- Scissurellidae
   |  |-- Haliotidae (abalonit, merikorvat)
   |  `-- Neomphalidae
   |--o FISSURELLACEA (tulivuorikotilot)
   |  |-- Fissurellidae*
   |  |-- Emarginulidae
   |  `-- Hemitomidae
   |--o PATELLACEA [= Cyclobranchia, Docoglossa, Onychoglossa]
   |  |-- Acmaeidae [= Tecturidae, Lottiidae, Pectinodontidae]
   |  |-- Patellidae [= Trachelobranchia, Nacellidae] (maljakotilot)
   |  |-- Lepetidae [= Abranchia, Propilidiidae]
   |  |-- Bathyscaidiidae
   |  `-- Bathypeltidae
   |--o COCCULINACEA [= Addissionioidae, Lepetellida, Lepetelloidea]
   |  |-- Cocculinidae
   |  `-- Lepetellidae [= Cocculinellidae, Addissoniidae]
   |  |-- Trochidae [= Calliostomatidae, Umboniidae] (pyramidikotilot)
   |  |-- Sequenziidae
   |  |-- Stomatellidae [= Stomatiidae]
   |  |-- Angariidae [= Delphinulidae]
   |  |-- Skeneidae
   |  |-- Cyclostrematidae [= Liotiidae]
   |  |-- Turbinidae [= Liotiidae] (turbaanikotilot)
   |  `-- Phasianellidae [= Eutropiidae]
      |-- Neritopsidae
      |-- Neritidae [= Septariidae] (neritakotilot)
      |-- Phenacolepadidae
      |-- Titiscaniidae
      |-- Hydrocenidae
      `-- Helicinidae


Parker, S. P. (ed.), 1982: Synopsis and classification of living organisms. Vols. 1 & 2
–McGrew-Hill Book Company

Wagner, P. J., 2002 [1995]: Phylogenetic relationships of the earliest anisostrophically coiled gastropods.
--Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology: Vol. 88, pp. vi-152


© Mikko Haaramo, / Last updated 2003-02-21 / http://www.mv.helsinki.fi/home/mhaaramo