After The Echinoid Directory [“Natural History Museum – London ”]

<==o Holasteroida Durham & Melville, 1957 [Holasterina sensu Parker, 1982]
   |-- Eoholaster Solovjev, 1989
   |-- Taphraster Pomel, 1883
   `--+--o Cardiasterina Pomel, 1883
      |  |-- Giraliaster Forster & Philip, 1974
      |  |-- Pseudholaster Pomel, 1883
      |  |-- Protocardiaster Smith & Wright, 2003
      |  `--+--o Cardiasteridae Lambert, 1917
      |     |  |-- Plesiocorys Pomel, 1883
      |     |  |-- Cardiaster Forbes, 1850
      |     |  `--+-- Infulaster Desor, 1858
      |     |     `-- Hagenowia Duncan, 1889
      |     `--o Hemipneustidae Lambert, 1917
      |        |-- Plesiohemipneustes Smith & Wright, 2003
      |        |-- Hemipneustes Agassiz, 1836
      |        |-- Opisopneustes Gauthier, 1889
      |        `-- Taxopatagus Pomel, 1883
      `--o Meridosternata Loven, 1883
         |-- Lampadocorys Pomel, 1883
         |-- Crassiholaster Smith & Wright, 2003
         |--+--o Echinocorythidae Wright, 1857
         |  |  |-- Echinocorys Leske, 1778
         |  |  `-- Pseudananchys Pomel, 1883
         |  `--+-- Galeola Quenstedt, 1874
         |     |-- Jeronia Seunes, 1888
         |     `--o Urechinina H.L. Clark, 1946
         |        |?- Pilematechinus A. Agassiz, 1904
         |        |--o Urechinidae Duncan, 1889
         |        |  |-- Chelonechinus Bather, 1934 [paraphyletic Calymnidae Mortensen, 1907]
         |        |  |--+-- Garumnaster Lambert, 1907
         |        |  |  `-- Antrechinus Mooi & David, 1990
         |        |  `--+-- Cystechinus A. Agassiz, 1879
         |        |     `-- Urechinus A. Agassiz, 1879
         |        `--+--o Corystidae Foster & Philip, 1978
                     |  |-- Cardabia Foster & Philip, 1978
         |           |  `--+-- Corystus Pomel, 1883
         |           |     `-- Huttonechinus Foster & Philip, 1978
         |           `--+-- Galeaster Seunes, 1889 [a member of Pourtalesiidae A. Agassiz, 1881?]
         |              `--+-- Basseaster Lambert, 1936
         |                 `--+-- Plexechinus A. Agassiz, 1896 [Plexechinidae Mooi & David, 1996]
         |                    `--o Pourtalesiidae A. Agassiz, 1881
         |                       |-- Pourtalasia A. Agassiz, 1869
         |                       |-- Ceratophysa Pomel, 1883
         |                       |-- Cystocrepis Mortensen, 1907
         |                       |-- Echinocrepis A. Agassiz, 1879
         |                       |-- Echinosigra Mortensen, 1907
         |                       |-- Helgocystis Mortensen, 1907
         |                       `-- Spatangocystis A. Agassiz, 1879
         `--+==o Holasteridae Pictet, 1857 [paraphyletic?]
            |  |-- Holaster Agassiz, 1836
            |  |-- Scagliaster Munier-Chalmas, 1891
            |  |-- Offaster Desor, 1858
            |  `-- Cibaster Pomel, 1883
            `--o Stegasterina Lambert, 1917
               |-- Gibholaster
               |--+-- Sternotaxis
               |  `-- Cardiotaxis
               `--+?- Calymne Wyville Thomson, 1877 [paraphyletic Calymnidae Mortensen, 1907]
                  |?- Sternopatagus de Meijere, 1902 [paraphyletic Calymnidae Mortensen, 1907]
                  |-- Lampadaster Cotteau, 1889 [paraphyletic Stegasteridae Lambert, 1917]
                  `--+-- Pseudoffaster Lambert, 1924 [paraphyletic Calymnidae Mortensen, 1907]
                     `--+-- Tholaster Seunes, 1890 [paraphyletic Stegasteridae Lambert, 1917]
                        `--+-- Entomaster Gauthier, 1888 [paraphyletic Stegasteridae Lambert, 1917]
                           |--+-- Guettaria Gauthier, 1888 [paraphyletic Stegasteridae Lambert, 1917]
                           |  `-- Stegaster Pomel, 1883 [=? Rispolia Lambert, 1917] [paraphyletic Stegasteridae Lambert, 1917]
                           `--+-- Seunaster Lambert, 1912 [paraphyletic Stegasteridae Lambert, 1917]
                              `-- Sanchezaster Lambert, 1924 [paraphyletic Calymnidae Mortensen, 1907]

Holasteroida incertae sedis:

    Ananchothuria Fossa-Mancini, 1921
    Ganbirretia Gauthier, 1903
    Paronaster Airaghi, 1906 [possibly a spatangoid]
    Titanaster Szorenyi [nomen nudum]


Although an excellent source, the Echinoid Directory of the Natural History Museum (London) lack such critical information as ages and status (extinct/living). I have entered the information, but I have some concerns of it.

Some genera in this tree were not present in the classification of Holasteroidea in the Echinoid Directory, but presented on the same site in a graphical presentation of the Holasteroid phylogeny.
