After McKenna & Bell, 1997, Beard, 2002, Rasmussen, 2002 and Harrison, 2002

Alternative phylogeny of Primates after Gunnell, Ciochon, Gingerich & Holroyd, 2002

<==o Anthropoidea Mivart, 1864 [Simiiformes Haeckel, 1866] (“higher” primates, monkeys & apes; apinat)
   |?- †Myanmarpithecus yarshensis
   |?- †Djebelemur martinezi Hartenberger & Marandat, 1992
   |--o †Pondaungidae Ciochon & Holroyd, 1994 [Amphipithecidae after Ducrocq et al., 2000]
   |  |-- †Siamopithecus eocaenus Chaimanee et al., 1997 [Siamopithicini Gunnell, Ciochon, Gingerich & Holroyd, 2002]
   |  `--o †Pondaungini Ciochon & Holroyd, 1994
   |     |-- †Amphipithecus mogaungensis Colbert, 1937 [incl. A. bahinensis]
   |     `--o †Pondaungia Pilgrim, 1927
   |        |-- †P. cotteri Pilgrim, 1927 [incl. P. minuta Jaeger et al., 1998]
   |        `-- †P. savagei Gunnell, Ciochon, Gingerich & Holroyd, 2002
   `--+-- Platyrrhini É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812 (New World monkeys; kapeanenäapinat)
      `--o Catarrhini É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812 (Old World monkeys and apes; leveänenäapinat)
         |--o †Parapithecoidea Schlosser, 1911
         |  |-- †Eosimiidae Beard et al., 1994 [incl. Afrotarsiidae Ginsburg & Mein, 1987]
         |  `--+?-o †Biretia de Bonis et al., 1988
         |     |  |-- †B. piveteaui de Bonis et al., 1988
         |     |  |-- †B. fayumensis Seiffert, Simons, Clyde, Rossie, Attia, Bown, Chatrath & Mathison, 2005
         |     |  `-- †B. megalopsis Seiffert, Simons, Clyde, Rossie, Attia, Bown, Chatrath & Mathison, 2005
         |     `--o Parapithecidae sensu lato
         |        |-- †Parapithecidae [Parapithecidae: Parapithecinae]
         |        `-- †Oreopithecidae [Parapithecidae: Oreopithecinae] [also treated as a hominoid family]
         `--+--o †Propliopithecoidea Simons, 1965
            |  |-- †Oligopithecidae Kay & Williams, 1994
            |  `-- †Propliopithecidae Straus, 1961
            |--o †Pliopithecoidea
            |  |?- †Paidopithex rhenatus Pohlig, 1895
            |  |-- †Pliopithecidae
            |  `-- †Crouzeliidae
            `--+?- †Langsonia
               |?- †Kalepithecus songhorensis (Andrews, 1978) Harrison, 1988 [Micropithecus songhorensis Andrews, 1978]
               |?- †Limnopithecus legetet Hopwood, 1933b [incl. L. evansi MacInnes, 1943]
               |-- †Kamoyapithecus hamiltoni (Madden, 1980) Leakey et al., 1995
               `--+--o †Dendropithecoidea Harrison, 2002
                  |  `-- †Dendropithecidae Harrison, 2002
                  `--+?-o †Proconsuloidea Leakey, 1963 sensu Harrison, 2002
                     |  `-- †Proconsulidae Leakey, 1963 [also treated as a hominoid family]
                     `--+-- Hominoidea Gray, 1825 (apes; great apes; ihmisapinat)
                        `--o Cercopithecoidea Grey, 1821 (Old World monkeys; vanhanmaailmanhäntäapinat)
                           `-- Cercopithecidae Grey, 1821 (Old World monkeys; vanhanmaailmanhäntäapinat)
