After Ahlberg & Johanson, 1998, and Long, Young, Holland, Senden & Fitzgerald, 2006

Family-level taxonomy of non-tetrapod tetrapodomorphs
<==o Tetrapodomorpha Ahlberg, 1991 [Osteolepimorpha] (Terrestrial vertebrate-like sarcopterygians; maaselkärankaismaiset lihaseväiset)
   |-- †Tungsenia paradoxa Lu, Zhu, Long, Zhao, Senden, Jia & Qiao, 2012; E.Dev. SEAs.
   `--+-- †Kenichthys campbelli Chang & Zhu, 1993; E.Dev. SEAs.
      `--+-- †Rhizodontida Andrews & Westoll, 1970
         `--o Osteolepidida Boulenger, 1901 [Osteolepiformes Berg, 1937 [non Jarvik, 1942]]
            |--o †Osteolepididae Cope, 1889
            |  |?- †Amadeodipterus kencampbelli Young & Schultze, 2005
            |  |?- †Luckeus abudda Young & Schultze, 2005
            |  |--o †Osteolepis Agassiz, 1835(?) [or Valenciennes, 1829] [Pleiopterus, Pliopterus, Triplopterus, Tripterus] M. Dev. NAs. Ant. M.-U. Dev. Eu.
            |  |  |-- †O. arenatus
            |  |  |-- †O. brevis
            |  |  |-- †O. macrolepidota (Sedgwick & Murchison, 1829)(?) [Osteolepis macrolepidotus; Thursius macrolepidotus (Sedgwick & Murchison, 1829)]
            |  |  |-- †O. major
            |  |  `-- †O. panderi
            |  `--+-- †Muranjilepis winterensis Young & Schultze, 2005
            |     `--o †Thursius Sedgwick & Murchison, 1828 [non? Traquair, 1888]
            |        |?- †T.? minor Jarvik, 1985
            |        |-- †T. estonicus Vorobyeva, 1977
            |        |-- †T. pholidotus Traquair, 1888
            |        |-- †T. talsiensis Traquair, 1888
            |        |-- †T. truncatus Traquair, 1888
            |        |-- †T. wudingensis Fan, 1992
            |        `-- †T. macrolepidotes (Sedgwick & Murchison, 1829)
            |?-o †Thysanolepidae [= Megalichthyidae??]
            |  |-- †Thysanolepis micans Vorobyeva, 1977
            |  `-- †Vorobjevaia dolonodon Young, Long & Ritchie, 1992; L.Dev. Ant.
            `--+--o †Megalichthyidae Long, 1985(?)
               |  |?- †Megistolepis klementzi (Obruchev, 1955) Vorobjeva, 1977
               |  |?- †Megapomus markovskyi Vorobyeva, 1977
               |  |-- †Mahalalepis resima Young, Long & Ritchie, 1992; L.Dev. Aust.
               |  |?- †Sengoerichthys ottoman Janvier, Clement & Cloutier, 2007
               |  |-- †Ectosteorhachis nitidus Cope, 1880?
               |  `--+-- †Cladarosymblema narrienense Fox et al., 1995
               |     `--o †Megalichthys
               |        |-- †M. hibberti Agassiz, 1843
               |        |-- †M. laticeps Traquair, 1884
               |        |?- †M. agassizianus Lohest, 1889
               |        |?- †M. coccolepis Young, 1870
               |        |?- †M. intermedius Woodward, 1891
               |        `?- †M. macropomus Cope, 1892
               `--+-- †Medoevia lata Lebedev, 1995
                  `--+-- †Gogonasus andrewsae Long, 1985; L.Dev. Aust.
                     |--o †Canowindridae Young, Long & Ritchie, 1992 [Canowindididae]
                     |  |?- †Owensia chooi Holland, 2009
                     |  |-- †Beelarongia patrichae Long, 1987
                     |  `--+-- †Koharalepis jarviki Young, Long & Ritchie, 1992 [Koharolepis?? (lapsus calami?)] L.Dev. Ant.
                     |     `-- †Canowindra grossi Thomson, 1973
                     `--+--o †Gyroptychius Jarvik, 1948
                        |  |-- †G.? australis Young & Gorter, 1981
                        |  |-- †G. agassizi Jarvik, 1948
                        |  |-- †G. milleri Jarvik, 1948
                        |  |-- †G. groenlandicus Jarvik, 1950
                        |  `-- †G. dolichotatus Jarvik, 1985
                        `--o Eotetrapodiformes Swartz, 2012
                           |-- †Tristichopteridae Cope, 1889
                           `--o Elpistostegalia Camp & Allison, 1961 [Panderichthyida Vorobyeva, 1981]
                              |-- †Tinirau clackae Swartz, 2012, M.Dev. WNAm.
                              |?- †Parapanderichthys stolbovi (Vorobyeva, 1960) Vorobyeva, 1992 [Panderichthys stolbovi Vorobyeva, 1960]
                              `--+--o †Platycephalichthys Vorobyeva, 1959 [previously treated as tristichopterid]
                                 |  |-- †P. skuenicus Vorobyeva, 1962
                                 |  |-- †P. bischoffi Vorobyeva, 1959
                                 |  `-- †P. rohoni Vorobyeva, 1962
                                 `--+-- †Panderichthys rhombolepis Gross, 1941 [incl.? Panderichthys bystrowi Gross, 1941] [Panderichthyidae Vorobyeva, 1968]
                                    `--+-- †Elpistostege watsoni Westoll, 1938 [Elpistostegidae]
                                       |-- †Howittichthys warrenae Long & Holland 2008
                                       |-- †Livoniana multidentata Ahlberg, Luksevic & Mark-Kurik, 2000
                                       |-- †Tiktaalik roseae Daeschler, Shubin & Jenkins, 2006
                                       `-- Stegocephali Laurin, 1998a [Tetrapoda Haworth, 1825 sensu Goodrich 1930, and Laurin & Reisz, 1997] (tetrapods = vertebrates with four recognizible limbs; maaselkärankaiset)

Osteolepida incertae sedis [taxa not treated by Ahlberg & Johanson, 1998]:

Bogdanovia orientalis Obrucheva 1955; L.Dev. CAs. [has been treated as Coelacanthinimorph sarcopterygian]
    †Canningius groenlandicus Säve-Söderbergh, 1937
    †Chrysolepis [non Chrysolepis (chinquapins), a genus of fabaceaen plants (Fabaceae)]
    †GeiserolepisLatvius grewingki (Gross, 1933)
    †Lohsania utahensis Vaughn, 1962
    †Megadonichthys kurikae Vorobyeva, 1962
    †Platyethmoidia antarctica Young, Long & Ritchie, 1992; L.Dev. Ant.
    †Shirolepis ananjevi Vorobeva, 1977
    †Sterropterygion brandei Thomson, 1972
    †Thaumatolepis edelsteini Obruchev, 1941

    †Rhizodopsidae Long, 1999
        †Rhizodopsis Young, 1866
        †Callistiopterus clappi Romer, 1942
        †Marsdenichthys longioccipitus Long, 1985; L.Dev. Aust.
        †Taeniolepis trautseholdii Chabakov, 1927

After Swartz, 2012

<==o Tetrapodomorpha
   |-- †Kenichthys
   `--+-- †Rhizodontida
      `--o Osteolepidida
         |--+-- †Marsdenichthys
         |  `--o †Canowindridae[?]
         |     |-- †Canowindra
         |     `--+-- †Koharalepis
         |        `-- †Beelarongia
         `--+--+-- †Gogonasus
            |  `--+-- †Gyroptychius
            |     `--+-- †Osteolepis
            |        `--+-- †Medoevia
            |           `-- †Megalichthyidae
            `--o Eotetrapodiformes
               |-- †Tristichopteridae
               `--o Elpistostegalia
                  |-- †Tinirau
                  `--+-- †Platycephalichthys
                     `--+-- †Panderichthys
                        `--+--o †Elpistostegidae[?]
                           |  |-- †Elpistostege
                           |  `-- †Tiktaalik
                           `-- Tetrapoda

