After Lundberg, Linares, Antonio & Nass, 1988, Nelson, 1994, and Lundberg & Akama, 2005, with Recent species from Froese & Pauly, 2001 [“The Fishbase”]

<==o Pimelodidae (antennimonnit) [56 genera, 300 species]
   |-- Pseudopimelodinae [Pseudopimelodidae sensu Froese & Pauly, 2001] [5/26]
   `--o Pimelodinae [FB: 32/92]
      |--o Steindachneridion [“Steindachneridion –group”]
      |  |-- S. amblyura (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1888)
      |  |-- S. doceana (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889)
      |  |-- S. parahybae (Steindachner, 1877)
      |  `-- S. scripta (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1918)
      `--+--o “Phractocephalini” [“Phractocephalus-Leiarius; –group&rdquo]
         |  |-- Phractocephalus hemioliopterus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (Redtail catfish)
         |  `--+-- Perrunichthys perruno Schultz, 1944 (Leopard catfish)
         |     `--o Leiarius [2]
         |        |-- L. marmoratus (Gill, 1870)
         |        `-- L. pictus (Müller & Troschel, 1849)
         `--+?-+--o “Calophysus –group”
            |  |  `-- Calophysus macropterus (Lichtenstein, 1819) (Zamurito)
            |  `--o “Pimelodus –group”
            |     `-- Pimelodus Tert. R. SA. ?Eoc. Af.
            |?-+--o “Zungaro –group”
            |  |  `--o Zungaro [Paulicea] [3]
            |  |     |-- Z. jahu (Ihering, 1898)
            |  |     |-- Z. luetkeni (Steindachner, 1877) (Jaú)
            |  |     `-- Z. zungaro (Humboldt, 1821)
            |  `--o “Sorubim –group”
            |     `--o Sorubim [2]
            |        |-- S. lima (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (lapamonni; Duckbill catfish)
            |        `-- S. trigonocephalus Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920
            `--o Brachyplatysomatini Lundberg & Akama, 2005
               |-- Platynematichthys notatus (Jardine, 1841) (Coroatá)
               `--o Brachyplatystoma Bleeker, 1862 [taxonomic history]
                  |?- B. flavicans (Castelnau, 1855) (Gilded catfish)
                  |?- B. parnahybae Steindachner, 1908
                  |-- B. vaillantii (Valenciennes, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1840) (“piramutaba”; Laulao catfish)
                  `--+-- B. tigrinum (Britski, 1981) [taxonomic history] (Tiger-striped catfish)
                     |--+-- B. platynemum Boulenger, 1898 [taxonomic history] (Slobbering catfish)
                     |  `-- B. juruense (Boulenger, 1898) (Zebra catfish)
                     `--o (Malacobagrus) Bleeker, 1862 sensu Lundberg & Akama, 2005
                        |-- B. (M.) rosseauxii (“dourada”)
                        `--+-- B. (M.) filamentosum (Lichtenstein, 1819) (filhote; piraíba; kumakuma)
                           `-- B. (M.) capapretum Lundberg & Akama, 2005 ()

Pimelodidae incertae sedis:

    Aquarunichthys [3]
        A. inpai Zuanon, Rapp Py-Daniel & Jégu, 1993
        A. tocantinsensis Zuanon, Rapp Py-Daniel & Jégu, 1993
        A. torosus Stewart, 1986
    Bagropsis reinhardti Lütken, 1874
    Bergiaria [2]
        B. platana (Steindachner, 1908)
        B. westermanni (Lütken, 1874)
    Cheirocerus [3]
        C. abuelo (Schultz, 1944)
        C. eques Eigenmann, 1917
        C. goeldii (Steindachner, 1908)
    Duopalatinus [2]
        D. emarginatus (Valenciennes, 1840)
        D. peruanus Eigenmann & Allen, 1942
    Exallodontus aguanai Lundberg, Mago-Leccia & Nass, 1991
    Hemisorubim platyrhynchos (Valenciennes, 1840) (Porthole shovelnose catfish)
    Hypophthalmus [5]
        H. edentatus Spix & Agassiz, 1829 (Highwaterman catfish)
        H. fimbriatus Kner, 1858
        H. longifilis Valenciennes, 1840
        H. marginatus Valenciennes, 1840
        H. oremaculatus Nani & Fuster, 1947
    Iheringichthys [2]
        I. labrosus (Lütken, 1874)
        I. megalops Eigenmann & Ward, 1907
    Luciopimelodus pati (Valenciennes, 1836) (Pati)
    Megalonema [6]
        M. argentina (MacDonagh, 1938)
        M. pauciradiatum Eigenmann, 1919
        M. platanum (Günther, 1880)
        M. platycephalum Eigenmann, 1912
        M. psammium Schultz, 1944
        M. xanthum Eigenmann, 1912
    Parapimelodus [2]
        P. nigribarbis (Boulenger, 1889)
        P. valenciennis (Lütken, 1874)
    ?Paulicea [not recognized by the “Fishbase”]
    Pimelodina flavipinnis Steindachner, 1876
    Pinirampus pirinampu (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) (Flat-whiskered catfish)
    Platysilurus [2]
        P. goeldii (Steindachner, 1908)
        P. malarmo Schultz, 1944
    Platystomatichthys sturio (Kner, 1858)
    Pseudoplatysoma [3]
        P. corruscans (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) (Spotted sorubim)
        P. fasciatum (Linnaeus, 1766) (Barred sorubim)
        P. tigrinum (Valenciennes, 1840) (Tiger sorubim)
    Sorubimichthys [2]
        S. planiceps (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) (Firewood catfish)
        S. spatula (Spix & Agassiz, 1829)
    Zungaropsis multimaculatus Steindachner, 1908
