After Carroll, 1988, and Nelson, 1994, with Recent species from Froese & Pauly, 2001 [“The Fishbase”]

<==o Pholidae [Pholididae] (teistikalat; gunnels) [5/13]
   |--o Pholinae [2/10]
   |  |?- Allopholis
   |  |--o Enedrias [2]
   |  |  |-- E. crassispina (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845)
   |  |  `-- E. nebulosus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) Tidepool gunnel
   |  `--o Pholis [Enedrias] [8]
   |     |-- P. clemensi Rosenblatt, 1964 (Longfin gunnel)
   |     |-- P. fasciata (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (Banded gunnel)
   |     |-- P. gilli Evermann & Goldsborough, 1907 (Bering gunnel)
   |     |-- P. gunnellus (Linnaeus, 1758) [P. gunelius] (teisti; Rock gunnel)
   |     |-- P. laeta (Cope, 1873) (Crescent gunnel)
   |     |-- P. ornata (Girard, 1854) (Saddleback gunnel)
   |     |-- P. picta (Kner, 1868)
   |     `-- P. schultzi Schultz, 1931 (Red gunnel)
   `--o Apodichthyinae
      |-- Rhodymenichthys dolichogaster (Pallas, 1814) (Stippled gunnel)
      `--o Apodichthys sensu Nelson, 1994
         |-- Apodichthys flavidus Girard, 1854 [Xererpes, Ulvicola] (Penpoint gunnel) [N: 3] [FB: 1]
         |-- Ulvicola sanctaerosae Gilbert & Starks, 1897 (Kelp gunnel)
         `-- Xererpes fucorum (Jordan & Gilbert, 1880) (Rockweed gunnel)
