After Nelson, 1994, with Recent species from Froese & Pauly, 2001 [“The Fishbase”]

<==o Catostomidae sensu Nelson, 1994 (imukarpit) [13/68]
   |--o Ictiobinae
   |  |--o †Amyzon Eoc. Olig. NA.
   |  |  |-- †A. aggregatum [A. brevipinne, A. commune]
   |  |  `-- †A. gosiutensis
   |  |-- †Vasnetzovia
   |  |--o Carpoides Pleist. R. NA.
   |  |  |-- C. carpio (Rafinesque, 1820) (River carpsucker)
   |  |  |-- C. cyprinus (Lesueur, 1817) (Quillback)
   |  |  `-- C. velifer (Rafinesque, 1820) (Highfin carpsucker)
   |  `--o Ictiobus Pleist. R. NA.
   |     |-- I. bubalus (Rafinesque, 1818) (Smallmouth buffalo)
   |     |-- I. cyprinellus (Valenciennes, 1844) (Bigmouth buffalo)
   |     |-- I. meridionalis (Günther, 1868) (Usumacinta buffalo)
   |     `-- I. niger (Rafinesque, 1819) (Black buffalo)
   |--o Cycleptinae
   |  |-- Myxocyprinus asiaticus (Bleeker, 1865) (Chinese sucker; kiinanimukarppi)
   |  `--o Cycleptus
   |     |-- C. elongatus (Lesueur, 1817) (Blue sucker)
   |     `-- C. meridionalis Burr & Mayden, 1999 (southeastern blue sucker)
   `--o Catostominae
      |--o Catostomatini
      |  |-- Catostomus Eoc. R. As. Mioc.-Plioc. Pleist. R. NA.
      |  |--o Chasmites Mioc.-Plioc. Pleist. R. NA.
      |  |  |-- C. brevirostris Cope, 1879 (Shortnose sucker)
      |  |  |-- C. cujus Cope, 1883 (Cui-ui)
      |  |  |--o C. liorus Jordan, 1878 (June sucker)
      |  |  |  |-- C. liorus liorus Jordan, 1878 (June sucker)
      |  |  |  `-- C. liorus mictus Miller & Smith, 1981
      |  |  `-- †C. muriei Miller & Smith, 1981 (Snake River sucker)
      |  |-- Deltistes luxatus (Cope, 1879) Pleist. R. NA. (Lost River sucker)
      |  `-- Xyrauchen texanus (Abbott, 1861) Razorback sucker
      `--o Moxostomatini
         |--+-- Minytrema melanops (Rafinesque, 1820) L. Pleist. NA. (Spotted sucker)
         |  `--o Erimyzon
         |     |-- E. oblongus (Mitchill, 1814) (Creek chubsucker)
         |     |-- E. sucetta (Lacépède, 1803) (Lake chubsucker)
         |     `-- E. tenuis (Agassiz, 1855) (Sharpfin chubsucker)
         `==o Moxostoma [incl.? Lagochila; Thoburnia] Pleist. R. NA. [paraphyletic]
            |--+-- Scartomyzon ariommus (Robins & Raney, 1956) (Bigeye jumprock)
            |  `--o Thoburnia Thoburn, 1896 [not recognized by the Fishbase, treated as a species of Moxostoma]
            |     |-- T. rhothoeca Thoburn, 1896 [Moxostoma rhothoecum (Thoburn, 1896)] (Torrent sucker)
            |     `--+-- T. atripinne (Bailey, 1959) [Moxostoma (Thoburnia) atripinne Bailey, 1959] (Blackfin sucker)
            |        `-- T. hamiltoni Raney & Lachner, 1946 [Moxostoma hamiltoni (Raney & Lachner, 1946)] (Rustyside sucker)
            |-- †Lagochila lacerum Jordan & Brayton, 1877 (Harelip sucker) [not recognized by the Fishbase, treated as a species of Moxostoma]
            `--o Hypentelium
               |-- H. etowanum (Jordan, 1877) (Alabama hog sucker)
               |-- H. nigricans (Lesueur, 1817) (Northern hog sucker)
               `-- H. roanokense Raney & Lachner, 1947 (Roanoke hog sucker)
