Markku A. Laitinen



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Personal information:

Markku A. Laitinen

Ambassador of QQML, Senior Advisor

My specialties are the Impact, effectiveness and measurement of the library activity, Library statistics, Statistics training, Statistics standards and Indicators of libraries. I am the member of the Scientific Board of International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML).

The President of IFLA, Claudia Lux, made the initiative for the Library Statistics Manifesto in 2008. The idea is to have a certified document about the importance of library statistics, as they demonstrate the value that libraries provide to their users and to society. The manifesto has been published already in 18 languages.

My email is of the type forename.a.surname(at)

My profile on the University of Helsinki page



My publications and congress presentations / Julkaisuluetteloni ja esitelmäni kongresseissa


Laitinen, Markku Antero



International publications


  1. Laitinen, M.A., Kirichenko, S. & Juntumaa, J.H. (2023): The Library as Promoter of Democracy: Analysis of Demographic Study by Composite Index Method. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) 12,4: 549-559. Available from: [Open access - accessed 2023-12-18].
  2. Laitinen, M.A., Kirichenko, S. & Juntumaa, J.H. (2022): Library Performance Index (ILP): Multi-Factor Library Performance Evaluation. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) 11,4: 619-634. Available from: [Open access - accessed 2023-01-17].
  3. Laitinen, M.A., Juntumaa, J.H. & Kirichenko, S. (2021): Towards the Multidimensional Measurement of Library Performance. User Experience Index. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML).10(3):375-387. Available from: [Open access - accessed 2021-10-28].
  4. Laitinen, M.A., Juntumaa, J.H. & Kirichenko, S. (2021): Liitindeks (Composite Index): uus raamatukogu kasutajakogemuse mõõdupuu. Raamatukogu 4/2021:9-11. English resumé on page 42. Available from: [Open access - accessed 2021-09-17].
  5. Düren, P., Laitinen, M.A., Landøy, A. & Repanovici, A. (2021): Experiencias utilizando estadísticas nacionales mientras investigaba en 22 bibliotecas en cinco países [PDF in English: Experiences using national statistics while doing research in 22 libraries in five countries]. Investigación Bibliotecológica: archivonomía, bibliotecología e información, Vol 35 (86). Available from: [Open access - accessed 2021-04-28].
  6. Juntumaa, J., Laitinen, M.A. & Kirichenko, S. (2020): The Net Promoter Score (NPS) as a Tool for Evaluation of the User Experience at Culture and Library Services. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) 9(2):127-142. Available from:  [accessed 2021-04-13].
  7. Saarti, J., Juntunen, A., Laitinen, M. & Taskinen, A. (2020): Academic library directors’ use of statistical data. Benchmarking tools for the libraries. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) 9(2):247-255. Available from: [accessed 2021-04-13].
  8. Laitinen, M.A. (2019): Fix, Develop, Keep! Net Promoter Score as a Tool for Improving Customer Experience. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) 8(2):147-158. Available from: [Open access – accessed 2021-04-13].
  9. Laitinen, M.A. (2019): Aspects of Measuring the Impact of New Innovations in Finnish Libraries. Library Management 40(3/4):262-271. Available from: [Paywall, abstract available - accessed 2021-04-13].
  10. Laitinen, Markku A. (2018): Provision and Quality Assurance of the High-Quality Services in Children’s Libraries – Proposal for the New and Simple Method of Evaluation and Measurement. In: 1. Uluslararası Çocuk Kütüphaneleri Sempozyumu Bildirileri 14-17 Kasım 2018, Nevşehir / Türkiye  (1st International Children’s Libraries Symposium Proceedings 14-17 November 2018, Nevşehir / Turkey), Edited by Asiye Kakirman Yildiz and Lale Özdemir, pp. 335-341. ISBN: 978-975-17-4130-1. Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey. Ankara 2018.
  11. Laine, T. & Laitinen, M. (2018): The Finna Service: Meeting the New Measurement Challenges in Libraries. Library Management, Vol. 40 No. 1/2, pp. 2-11. Available from: [Open Access - accessed 2021-04-13].
  12. Laitinen, M.A. (2018): Net Promoter Score (NPS) as Indicator of Library Customers’ Perception. Journal of Library Administration, 58:4, 394-406. Available from: [Paywall, abstract available - accessed 2021-04-13].
  13. Saarti, J., Laitinen, M.A. & Vattulainen, P. (2017): Effects of the digitization to the printed collection policies – the digital knowledge economy and the Finnish academic libraries. Library Management 38(2/3):167-174. Available from: Library Management. 38(2/3:167-174). [[Paywall, abstract available - accessed 2020-06-10].
  14. Ilva, J., Laitinen, M.A. & Saarti, J., (2016). The Costs of Open and Closed Access: Using the Finnish Research Output as an Example. LIBER Quarterly 26(1). Available from: [Open Access - accessed 2021-04-13].
  15. Laitinen, M. (2015): Teigiamo bibliotekų poveikio paieškos – Suomijos sėkmės istorija [Showing the Positive Impact of Library – A Success Story from Finland]. Tarp knygų (682) 11:8-12.
  16. Laitinen, M. (2015): The Challenge of Showing Economic Impact of Library. QQML Journal 4(2), June 2015, pp.321-330. Available from: [Open Access - accessed 2020-06-10].
  17. Basili, C., Laitinen, M. & Saarti, J. (2014): Library and science indicators: towards a new paradigm to assess the library and information services as an input to the academic processes. In: Information policies in the humanities, Edited by Carla Basili, 09/2014 pp. 107 - 120; CNR-CERIS., ISBN: 978-88-98193-06-6.
  18. Laitinen, M. & Saarti, J. (2014): Evidence based service change: Remodelling the Academic Libraries for the Post-digital Era. QQML Journal 3(3), September 2014, pp.611-618. Electronic version Available from: [Open Access - accessed 2020-06-10].
  19. Kautonen, H., Laitinen, M. & Niemelä, A. (2014): The Difficulty of Indicating Transformation: The Challenge for Library Statistics and Surveys. Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences, 2014 IATUL Proceedings. Purdue University, Purdue e-Pubs. 12 p. (PDF). [Open Access - accessed 2020-06-10].
  20. Laitinen, M (2013): Library Statistics with Confidence: Facts from Figures with no Fear. QQML Journal 2(4), December 2013, pp.459-467. Available from: [Open Access - accessed 2020-06-10].
  21. Laitinen, M. & Saarti, J. (2012): A model for a library‐management toolbox: Data warehousing as a tool for filtering and analyzing statistical information from multiple sources. Library Management, Vol. 33 4/5, pp.253 - 260. Available from: [Paywall, abstract available - accessed 2020-06-10].
  22. Seppänen, A.-P. & Laitinen, M. (2012): Libraries do make a difference. Common principles in showing the impact of different types of libraries. QQML Journal 1(1), July 2012, pp.3-11. Based on conference paper presented in QQML2011 Congress in Athens Greece 24.-27 May 2011. Electronic version (PDF) Available from: [Open Access - accessed 2020-06-10].
  23. Laitinen, M. & Taskinen, A. (2011): The New Challenges of the Statistics - Case UEF. In: New Trends in Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. Selected Papers Presented at the 2nd Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. Proceedings of the International Conference on QQML2010. Chania, Crete, Greece, 25 – 28 May 2010.  Edited by Anthi Katsirikou (University of Piraeus Library, Greece) & Christos Skiadas (Technical University of Crete, Greece). World Scientific Publishing Co 2011. Pp.9-16.  The book can be bought at: [accessed 2020-06-10].
  24. Laitinen, M. (2010): Use of E-Journals Looks Cost-Effective in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. IFLA. Statistics and Evaluation Section Newsletter. January 2010:1. Electronic version Available from: [Open Access - accessed 2020-06-10].
  25. Laitinen, M., Kangas, A. & Saarti, J (2009): Statistics and surveys as tools for library management in Finland. In: Graham, M. & Thornton, S. (ed.). Proceedings of the 8th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services. - Libraries Plus: Adding Value in the Cultural Community. Istituto degli innocenti, Florence, 17-20 August 2009. Northumbria University Press. Newcastle upon Tyne 2011. Pp. 59-67.
  26. Kiviniemi, V., Laitinen, M. & Saarti, J. (2009): Are Libraries Worth Investing in?: Finnish University Libraries and their Effect on the National Economy. Liber Quarterly (19:1). Electronic version Available from: [Open Access - accessed 2020-06-10].
  27. Laitinen, M. (2007): The Finnish Research Library Statistics Database. IFLA. Statistics and Evaluation Section Newsletter. July 2007:6-7. Available: [Open Access - accessed 2020-06-10].
  28. Iachine, Ivan A., Holm, Niels V., Harris, Jennifer R., Begum, Alexander Z., Iachina, Maria K., Laitinen, Markku, Kaprio, Jaakko, Yashin, Anatoli I. 1998: How heritable is individual susceptibility to death? : the results of an analysis of survival data on Danish, Swedish and Finnish twins. Twin research 1 (1998):196-205. Electronic version Available from: [accessed 2020-06-10].
  29. Heiskanen, A., Jokela, P., Laitinen, M., Savontaus, M-L. & Portin, P. (1984): Effect of temperature on the intraindividual variation of sternopleural bristles in D. melanogaster. Drosophila Information Service 60:123-124. Available from: [Open Access - accessed 2020-06-10].


National publications


  1. Kirichenko, S. Juntumaa, J.H. & Laitinen, M.A. (2021). Komposiitti-indeksi – uusi väline käyttäjäkokemuksen arviointiin. Signum 53 (3):25-28.  Saatavana osoitteesta [vierailtu 15.11.2021]
  2. Isotalo, J., Kirichenko, S. & Laitinen, M. (2021). Finnan käyttäjäkysely 2021. Kvantitatiiviset vastaukset. (PDF.) Kansalliskirjasto. Helsinki 2021. 82 s. Saatavana osoitteesta [vierailtu 9.11.2021].
  3. Toim. Laitinen, M (2007-2020): KITT-käyttäjän käsikirja. Suomen tieteellisten kirjastojen yhteistilasto. Tilastointiopas 2007-2020. (PDF.) Kansalliskirjasto. Helsinki 2021. 137 + 2 s. Julkaisun (2020) pysyvä osoite on [vierailtu 9.11.2021].
  4. Haasio, A., Juntunen, A., Laitinen, M., Saarti, J., Seppänen, A. & Taskinen, A. (2018): QQML 2018 konferenssi Haniassa, Kreikassa – kymmenen vuotta laadullista ja määrällistä informaatioalan tutkimusta. Informaatiotutkimus 2(37). Saatavana osoitteesta [vierailtu 10.6.2018].
  5. Laitinen, M. (2016): Kirjastojen muuttuva toimintaympäristö haastaa perinteiset mittaustavat. Teoksessa Sandelius, N. (toim.): Hyötyä, tietoa, elämyksiä. Kirjastojen vaikuttavuuden ulottuvuuksia, ss 15-22. Suomen kuntaliitto. Helsinki 2016. 138 s. Saatavana osoitteesta [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  6. Juntunen, A., Laitinen, M., Saarti, J. & Silvennoinen-Kuikka, H. (2015): Jälkidigitaalinen informaatioympäristö ja kirjastot – QQML 2015 konferenssi. Informaatiotutkimus 34(3):1-5. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  7. Laitinen, M. (2015): QQML 2015: Nopeasti muuttuva informaatioympäristö haastaa kirjastot. Tietolinja 2/2015. Artikkelin pysyvä osoite on: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  8. Saarti, J., Laitinen, M. & Kämäräinen, J. 2014: Kirjastojen vaikuttavuuden arviointi ja mittaaminen - QQML 2014. Informaatiotutkimus 33:3, s. 1-3. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  9. Saarti, J., Juntunen, A., Niemelä, A. & Laitinen, M. (2013): Digitaalinen kulttuuri ja kirjaston rooli – QQML2013 Roomassa. Informaatiotutkimus 32(2):1-4. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  10. Heikkinen, R., Laitinen, M., Lappalainen, V., Parikka, S., Rasinkangas, P., Saarti, J., Söderholm, M., Suikkanen, E. & Vainikka, E. (2012): Kirjastojen toiminnan arviointi: yhteisten mittareiden toimivuus ja kehittäminen. [Evaluation of the activities of libraries: common measures for the development of and for performance  - Abstract in English]. Signum (45) 4:13-19. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  11. Laitinen, M. & Vehkalahti, K. (2011): Kaukopalvelun todellisuus Suomessa tilastojen valossa – Kuoleeko kaukopalvelu? Signum (44) 6:18-24. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  12. Saarti, J. & Laitinen, M. (2011): Kirjastojen näyttöön perustuvaa johtamista ja arviointia Ateenassa, QQML 2011 seminaarissa. Informaatiotutkimus 30:2, 2. artikkeli. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  13. Laitinen, M., Saarti, J., Rasinkangas, P. & Seppänen, A.-P. (Suom. 2010): Kirjastotilastomanifesti. The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  14. Juntunen, A., Laitinen, M., Saarti, J. & Taskinen, A. (2010): Kirjastojen palveluiden ja johtamisen näyttöön perustuva kehittäminen – katsaus QQML 2010 konferenssin esityksiin. Informaatiotutkimus 29(4). Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2018].
  15. Laitinen, M. (2010): Sähköisten aineistojen käyttö jatkoi kasvuaan. Kansalliskirjasto 52:2, s. 9. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  16. Laitinen, M. (2010): Sähköisten kausijulkaisujen käytön kasvu jatkuu korkeakoulukirjastoissa. - Tietolinja 2010:2, 5. artikkeli. Artikkelin pysyvä osoite on: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  17. Saarti, J. & Laitinen, M. (2010): Toimintatilastojen kehittäminen johtamisen työkaluiksi: katsaus vaikuttavuuden arviointiryhmän työhön 2005 - 2009 ja sen jatkoon. [Developing Activity Statistics as a Management Tool: A Review of the Effectiveness of the Evaluation Team's Work 2005-2009 and Its Continuity  - Abstract in English]. Signum (43) 2:5-13. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  18. Laitinen, M. (2009): Kirjastotilastointi kehittyy - kuulumisia maailmalta. Verkkari 03/09. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  19. Laitinen, M. (2008): ISO:n informaatio- ja dokumentaatioalan standardikehitystä - Kansalliskirjastojen mittaristo kehitteillä. Signum (41) 6:16-19. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  20. Kiviniemi, V., Laitinen, M. & Saarti, J. (2008): Kannattaako osaamiseen sijoittaa? Yliopistokirjastot ja Suomen kansantalous. Kanava (36) 9:736-738.
  21. Toim. Rouvari, A., Laitinen, M., Luokkanen, S., Saarti, J. & Tyrväinen, J. (2007): Laatu ratkaisee: laatutyön opas korkeakoulukirjastoille. 93 s. Suomen Tieteellinen Kirjastoseura, Helsinki. Saatavilla: Laatu ratkaisee [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  22. Laitinen, M. & Kangas, A (2007): Tieteellisten kirjastojen yhteistilastotietokannan käyttäjäkysely. [Scientific Libraries in the Statistical Database and the User Query - Abstract in English]. Signum (40) 6:26-28. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  23. Laitinen, M. & Jokela, M. (2006): Yhteistilaston korjausprojekti valmistunut. Tietolinja 2/2006. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  24. Toim. Häkkilä, T. & Laitinen, M. (2006): KITT-käyttäjän käsikirja. Suomen tieteellisten kirjastojen yhteistilasto. Tilastointiopas. Helsinki. Kansalliskirjasto. 73 s. (PDF)
  25. Laitinen, M. (2006): Uusi uljas KITT - yhteistilastotietokannan paluu. Signum (39) 5:9-12. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  26. Laitinen, M. (2006): Kansainväliset tilastostandardit esittelyssä. Signum (39) 5:17-19. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  27. Laitinen, M. (2006): Kansainväliset tilastostandardit esittelyssä Liite 1. - Signum (39) 5. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  28. Laitinen, M. & Vakkari, M. (2006): Asiakastyytyväisyyden ja tilastojen yhdistelmällä syvemmälle kirjastojen arvioinnissa. Signum (39) 5:20-25. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  29. Rouvari, A., Pennanen, J. & Laitinen, M. (2005): Työtä ja tuloksia – kirjastopalveluiden vaikuttavuuden arviointi. Signum (38) 1:22-25. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  30. Laitinen, M. & Häkkilä, T. (2003): Tieteellisten kirjastojen yhteistilastotietokanta käyttöön. Signum (36) 5:114-115.
  31. Laitinen, M. & Salomäki, M. (2003): Suomen tieteellisille kirjastoille yhteinen tilastotietokanta. Tietoyhteys (3) 25-26.
  32. Laitinen, M. & Häkkilä, T (2003): Tieteellisten kirjastojen yhteistilastotietokanta käyttöön. Verkkari 05/03. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.6.2020].
  33. Laitinen, M. & Häkkilä, T (2003): Tieteellisten kirjastojen yhteistilastotietokanta käyttöön. Kirjastolehti 5/03
  34. Laitinen, M. (2003): Tieteellisten kirjastojen yhteistilastotietokanta verkkoon. Kansalliskirjasto tiedottaa 22.9.2003.
  35. Laitinen, M. (2002): 500. väitöskirja Annales-sarjassa : Annales-alasarjojen julkaisumäärät 1922-2001. Turun yliopiston tiedotuslehti 41:7, s 30.
  36. Laitinen, M., Kolari, K.K. & Konttinen, K. (1995): Hypermedian käyttöympäristö organisaatiossa. INFO / Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Koulutuskeskus Dipoli; 1995:4. 44 s.
  37. Laitinen, M. (1995): Sähköisten julkaisujen itsenäiskäytön kehittäminen luonnon- ja lääketieteen aloilla Turun yliopistossa. INFO / Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Koulutuskeskus Dipoli 1995:11. 45 s. + 2 liitettä (4 + 14s.).


Keynote talks in international conferences


  1. Laitinen, M. (2015): What do the libraries need in addition to the traditional statistics in the changing operational environment? Key-note talk presented in conference Uued raamatukogude standardid, statistika ja uuringud. National Library of Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia 19th November 2015.
  2. Laitinen, M. (2015): Challenging the Traditional Evaluation Methods in the Maelstrom of Change. Key-note talk presented in Round Table. Assessment, Management and Advocacy of Outcomes in Libraries; Opportunities for Balancing Business Interests and Traditional Library Values. National and University Library in Zagreb, Croatia 29th May 2015. Available from: [Open Access - accessed 2020-06-10].
  3. Laitinen, M. (2012): The Power of Data - Advocating for Library by Showing Evidence of Impact. Key-note talk presented in QQML 2012 Congress in Limerick, Ireland 22.-25 May 2012. Available from: [Open Access - accessed 2020-06-10].


International conference papers


  1. Laitinen, M.A., Kirichenko, S. & Juntumaa, J.H. (2023): The Library as Promoter of Democracy: Analysis of Demographic Study by Composite Index Method. Conference paper presented in QQML 2023. Heraklion, Greece 30 May 2023. Presented by Markku A. Laitinen.
  2. Laitinen, M.A., Kirichenko, S. & Juntumaa, J. (2022): Library Performance Index (ILP). Conference paper presented in QQML 2022. Athens, Greece 24 May 2022. Presented by Markku. A. Laitinen.
  3. Laitinen, M.A., Kirichenko, S. & Juntumaa, J. (2021): Towards the Multidimensional Measurement of Library Performance. User Experience Index. Conference paper presented in QQML 2021. Athens, Greece (online) 25 May 2021. Presented by Markku. A. Laitinen.
  4. Laitinen, M. A. (2019): Fix, Develop, Keep! Net Promoter Score as a Tool for Improving Customer Experience. Conference paper presented in QQML 2019, 28 May 2019, European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy.
  5. Düren, P., Laitinen, M.A., Landøy, A. & Repanovici, A. (2019): Experiences using national statistics while doing research in 22 libraries in five countries. Conference paper presented in QQML 2019, 28 May 2019, European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy. Presented by Petra Düren and Ane Landøy.
  6. Laitinen, M. A. (2018): Provision and Quality Assurance of the High-Quality Services in Libraries - Proposal for the New and Simple Method of Evaluation and Measurement. Conference paper presented in The First International Children’s Libraries Symposium, 15 November 2018, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi, Nevşehir, Turkey.
  7. Laitinen, M. A. (2018): Promoters vs. Detractors or Faith-holders vs. Hate-holders? Evaluating  the Applicability of the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and the Public Sector Net Promoter Score (PSNPS) as an Indicator of Library Customers’ Perception. Conference paper presented in QQML 2018, 23 May 2018, Cultural Center of Chania, Chania, Greece.
  8. Juntunen, A., Laitinen, M.A., Saarti, J. & Taskinen, A. (2018): Benchmarking the added value of the libraries to the university output in Finland. Conference paper presented in QQML 2018, 23 May 2018, Cultural Center of Chania, Chania, Greece.
  9. Laitinen, M. A. (2017): Aspects of Measuring the Impact of New Innovations. Conference paper presented in QQML 2017, 23 May 2017, Limerick, Ireland.
  10. Laine, T. & Laitinen, M.A. (2017): The Finna Service: Meeting the New Challenges of Collecting Data for Measuring, Evaluation and Decision-Making in Cultural Heritage Organizations. Conference paper presented in QQML 2017, 23 May 2017, Limerick, Ireland. Presented by Markku Laitinen.
  11. Seppänen, A., Laitinen, M., Laihonen, H. & Rajala, T. (2017): Public value and performance of libraries. Case: Iso Omena library. Conference paper presented in QQML 2017, 23 May 2017, Limerick, Ireland. Presented by Antti Seppänen.
  12. Laitinen, M., Saarti, J. & Vattulainen, P. (2016): Effects of the digitization – the digital knowledge economy and the Finnish academic libraries. Conference paper presented in QQML 2016, 27 May 2016, London, United Kingdom. Presented by Jarmo Saarti and Pentti Vattulainen.
  13. Laitinen, M. (2015): Implementation of Library Measuring – Case Finland. Conference paper presented in conference Uued raamatukogude standardid, statistika ja uuringud. National Library of Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia 19 November 2015. Available from: Link to PDF [Open Access – accessed 2018-09-10].
  14. Laitinen, M. (2015): The Challenge of Showing Economic Impact of Library. Conference paper presented in QQML 2015, 27 May 2015, Paris, France. Article Available from: [Open Access – accessed 2018-09-10].
  15. Ilva, J., Laitinen, M. & Saarti, J. (2015): The Costs of Open and Closed Access: Using the Finnish Research Output as an Example. Conference paper presented in QQML 2015, 26-29 May 2015, Paris, France. Presented by Markku Laitinen and Jarmo Saarti.
  16. Kautonen, H., Laitinen, M. & Niemelä, A. (2014): The Difficulty of Indicating Transformation: The Challenge for Library Statistics and Surveys. Conference paper presented in International Association of University Libraries (IATUL) 3rd June 2014, Espoo, Finland. Presented by Markku Laitinen and Anna Niemelä. Available from: [Open Access – accessed 2018-09-10].
  17. Laitinen, M. & Saarti, J. (2014): Evidence based service change: remodelling the academic libraries for the post-digital era. Conference paper presented in QQML 2014, Istanbul, Turkey 27-30 May 2014. Presented by Markku Laitinen and Jarmo Saarti. Electronic article Available from: [Open Access – accessed 2018-09-10].
  18. Laitinen, M. (2014): Can impact be standardised? ISO 16439 standard as a tool for evaluating the impact and value of library. Conference paper presented in QQML 2014, Istanbul, Turkey 27-30 May 2014.
  19. Laitinen, M. (2013): Library Statistics with Confidence - Facts from Figures with No Fear. Conference paper presented in QQML 2013, Rome, Italy 4-7 June 2013. Electronic article Available from:  [Open Access – accessed 2018-09-10].
  20. Saarti, J. & Laitinen, M. (2012): Evaluating the Effects of Library E-resources and IL tuition on the Research Outcomes in Finnish Top Universities and the Quality of the Statistical Data Collected. Conference paper presented in QQML2012 Congress in Limerick, Ireland 22.-25 May 2012. Presented by Jarmo Saarti and Markku Laitinen.
  21. Laitinen, M. & Saarti, J. (2011): A model for a library‐management toolbox: data warehousing as a tool for filtering and analyzing statistical information from multiple sources. Conference paper presented in QQML 2011 Congress in Athens, Greece 24.-27 May 2011. Presented by Markku Laitinen and Jarmo Saarti. Electronic article Available from: (Paywall, abstract available - accessed 2018-09-10)
  22. Seppänen, A-P. & Laitinen, M. (2011): Libraries do make a difference. Common principles in showing the impact of different types of libraries. Conference paper presented in QQML 2011 Congress in Athens, Greece 24.-27 May 2011. Presented by Antti-Pekka Seppänen and Markku Laitinen. Electronic article (PDF) Available from: [Open Access – accessed 2018-09-10].
  23. Laitinen, M. & Taskinen, A. (2010): The New Challenges of the Statistics - Case UEF. Conference paper presented in QQML 2010 Congress in Chania, Greece 25-28 May 2010. Presented by Markku Laitinen and Aino Taskinen. Article based on the presentation published in book “New Trends in Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries”, the book can be bought at: (accessed 2018-09-10.)
  24. Laitinen, M., Kangas, A. & Saarti, J (2009): Statistics and surveys as tools for library management in Finland. Conference paper presented in 8th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services. - Libraries Plus: Adding Value in the Cultural Community. Istituto degli innocenti, Florence, 17-20 August 2009. Presented by Markku Laitinen.
  25. Laitinen, M. (2008). Towards open, multidimensional measurement of library services - case: Finland. World Library and Information Congress: 74th Ifla General Conference and Council 10-14 August 2008, Québec, Canada. Available: [Open Access – accessed 2018-09-10].


National conference papers


  1. Laitinen, M. (2019): Vaikuttavuus ja kirjastot. Kirjastojen tiedolla johtamisen syysseminaari 22.10.2019, Tampere. Linkki PDF-tiedostoon [vierailtu 28.5.2020].
  2. Laitinen, M. (2017): Suositteluhalukkuusindeksi kirjaston palvelujen arvioinnissa. Vaikuta tai kuole – arvoa vaikuttavuudesta –seminaari 25.9.2017, Helsinki. Linkki PDF-tiedostoon, Linkki tallenteeseen [vierailtu 26.6.2018].
  3. Laitinen, M. (2015): Kirjastojen muuttuva toimintaympäristö haastaa perinteiset mittaustavat. Kirjastonjohtajien neuvottelupäivät 1.10.2015, Lahti. Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on [vierailtu 10.9.2018].
  4. Laitinen, M. (2014): Luettelointi tilastoina. AMK–metatietoryhmä, kehittämispäivä 10.12.2014, Helsinki. Linkki PDF-tiedostoon [vierailtu 10.9.2018].
  5. Laitinen, M. (2014): Mitä indikaattoreita tarvitaan yt-neuvotteluihin valmistautuessa? Kommenttipuheenvuoro. Vaikuttavuuden arvo -seminaari 29.10.2014, Helsinki. Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on [vierailtu 10.9.2018].
  6. Laitinen, M. (2014): Panosta kirjastoon – tuota arvoa. Vaikuttavuuden arvo -seminaari 29.10.2014, Helsinki. Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on [vierailtu 10.9.2018].
  7. Laitinen, M. (2013): KITT2. Nyt! Tilastot ja kustannukset tehokkuudeksi -seminaari 3.12.2013, Helsinki. Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on [vierailtu 10.9.2018].
  8. Laitinen, M. (2012): Taloustilastoinnin perusteista. Korkeakoulukirjastojen talousseminaari 28.11.2012, Helsinki. Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on [vierailtu 10.9.2018].
  9. Saarti, J. & Laitinen, M. (2012): Kirjaston e-aineistojen ja il-opetuksen vaikutus Suomen huippuyliopistojen tuloksiin ja kerätyn tilastotiedon laatu. Kirjastoverkkopäivät 2012, Helsinki. Esittäjä Jarmo Saarti.
  10. Laitinen, M. (2011): Painetun aineiston hankinta ja käyttö korkeakoulukirjastoissa. Painetun aineiston saatavuus Suomessa - seminaari 2.11.2011. Helsinki. Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on [vierailtu 10.9.2018].
  11. Laitinen, M. (2011): Kaukopalvelun todellisuus tilastojen valossa. Kuoleeko kaukopalvelu? Valtakunnalliset kaukopalvelupäivät, Turku 11.5.2011. Esitelmään perustuva artikkeli julkaistu lehdessä Signum (44) 6:18-24. Saatavilla: [vierailtu 10.9.2018].


Chairing special sessions and workshops in international conferences


  1. Special Session: Heritage and Intangible resources: Organization and convergence. In the 15th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2023). Heraklion, Greece 1st June 2023. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  2. Workshop session: Kirichenko, S., Juntumaa, J.H. and Laitinen, M.A. The Library as Promoter of Democracy: Composite Index Approach. In the 15th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2023). Heraklion, Greece 31st May 2023. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  3. Plenary Session: Misinformation and Information Behavior: Challenges for Information Professionals. 15th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2023). Heraklion, Greece 30th May 2023. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  4. Special Session: Library Services to Research and Education. In the 14th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. Athens, Greece 26th May 2022. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  5. Plenary Session: Do we know the future – how can we prepare for the future. In the 14th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. Athens, Greece 24th May 2022. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  6. Workshop Session: Kirichenko, S., Juntumaa, J.H. and Laitinen, M.A. Library Performance Indices Scope and Rationale. In the 14th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. Athens, Greece 24th May 2022. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  7. Special Session: Evaluation of User Experience in Cultural Heritage Organizations. In the 13th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. Athens, Greece (online) 25th May 2021. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  8. Special Session: Management: Methods for Sustainability and Innovation. In the 12th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. 27th May 2020. QQML Teleconference. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  9. Plenary Session: International Perspectives on Library and Information Science Research Methodology: Trends and Practices for the Profession. In the 11th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 30 May 2019. European University Institute. Fiesole, Italy. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  10. Plenary Session: The Challenges and Possibilities of the Open Science for the Libraries and Information Studies. In the 10th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 25 May 2018. Cultural Center of Chania, Chania, Greece. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  11. Special Session: The Attitude of the Users I. In the 10th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 25 May 2018. Cultural Center of Chania, Chania, Greece. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  12. Plenary Session: Vision and Reality Regarding Bibliometric Role in Scientific Research Evaluation. In the 9th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 25 May 2017. Limerick, Ireland. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  13. Special Session: Breaking the Borders. How to Measure Impact of the New Innovative Customer Oriented Services? In the 9th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 23 May 2017. Limerick, Ireland. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  14. Plenary Session: Information and Libraries. The New Era. In the 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 27 May 2015. IUT Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  15. Special Session: Open science and its evaluation – new challenges and possibilities for libraries. In the 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 27 May 2015. IUT Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France. Chaired by Markku Laitinen and Jarmo Saarti.
  16. Special Session: Library and Information Science Research: Principles and Applications. In the 6th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 29 May 2014. Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  17. Workshop Session: Change of Libraries and Managerial techniques. In the 6th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 28 May 2014. Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  18. Special Session: Collaboration of Cultural Organizations towards Quality and Impact: The Difference that the Cultural Institutions Can Make. In the 6th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 27 May 2014. Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey. Chaired by Markku Laitinen and Jarmo Saarti.
  19. Special Session: Changes in learning and Research and the attitude of Users III. In the 5th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 7 June 2013. La Sapienza University, Rome Italy. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  20. Impact Evaluation Workshop: Towards the synthesis of quantitative and qualitative information. In the 5th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 6 June 2013. La Sapienza University, Rome Italy. Chaired by Anna Niemelä and Markku Laitinen.
  21. Library’s Efficiency, Impact and Outcomes. Statistical Evaluation and Other Methods as Tools for Management and Decision-making. IFLA 2012 pre-conference 8-9 August 2012 in Turku, Finland. Chairing the opening session. Chairing Session 1, Joint-session.
  22. Special Session: Human Resources I. Significance and Efficiency of "Visiting-Instructor Training Programme": Opportunities for Sharing Competence of Reference Staff. In the 4th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. 23 May 2012. Limerick, Ireland. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  23. Special Session: Academic Libraries I. Establishing culture of assessment: what do we need to strengthen ties between academic library and study process. In the 3rd International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. 26 May 2011. Athens, Greece. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.
  24. Keynote Session. In the 2nd  International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 28 May 2010. Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania. Chania Greece. Chaired by Markku A. Laitinen.




  1. Member of Board in The Finnish Research Library Association (STKS) for the term 2024-2025.
  2. Since 2018: Member of the Scientific Board on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology.
  3. Since 2012: International Scientific Committee on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology.
  4. 2004-2016 and 2019-: ISO TC46 / SC 8 / WG2 - International Library Statistics (ISO 2789). ISO (International Organization for Standarization). SFS Expert member.
  5. 2004-2016 and 2019-: ISO TC46 / SC8 / WG4 - Library Performance Indicators (ISO 11620). ISO (International Organization for Standarization). SFS Expert member.
  6. 2005-2018: The National Group for Assessing the Impact of Library Activities in Finland. The National Library of Finland. (Group disbanded.)
  7. 2012: Scientific Committee of the project on Information Policies in the Social Sciences and Humanities. CRIS (Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche).
  8. 2010-2016: ISO TC46 / SC8 / WG10 - Methods and procedures for assessing the impact of libraries (ISO 16439). ISO (International Organization for Standarization). SFS Expert member.
  9. 2010-2016: Liber quality Work Group. Association of European Research Libraries.
  10. 2007-2016: ISO TC46 / SC8 / WG7 - Performance Indicators for National Libraries (ISO 28118). ISO (International Organization for Standarization). SFS Expert member.
  11. 2007-2014: IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), Statistics and Evaluation Section. - Member of the standing committee and Information coordinator.


Updated: 2023-12-18