Rami Luisto, Adjunct Professor (Dosentti)

About me

I received my PhD from the University of Helsinki in 2016 and since then I've been spreading my winds at UCLA, JYU and the Charles University in Prague. I was appointed an Adjunct Professor in Mathematics at the University of Helsinki in 2020.

I am currently employed as a Data Scientist / AI-specialist at Digital Workforce Services. For a more detailed (but slightly outdated) history of me and my work, please see my mathematical CV (pdf).

My research interests in mathematics are largely in the field of quasiconformal geometry, metric geometry and quantitave topology. I'm also interested in applying methods of algebraic topology and geometric group theory in my work. In the AI-side of things NLP and computer vision are particular interests of mine.

Rami Luisto smiling in front of a blackboard with some colorful pictures.

Contact information

Office: B311

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
P.O. Box 64 (Pietari Kalmin katu 5)
FI-00014 University of Helsinki

E-mail: First name . Last name 'at' helsinki.fi

See also

My ORCID profile

Me at ResearchGate

Me at Mathoverflow

My personal homepage