Variable descriptions and other meta data of JYTOPKYS3 (syksy 2016) Kimmo Vehkalahti: ASSIST 2014 - Phase 3 (end of Part 2), N=183 Course: Johdatus yhteiskuntatilastotieteeseen, syksy 2014 (Introduction to Social Statistics, fall 2014 - in Finnish), international survey of Approaches to Learning, made possible by Teachers' Academy funding for KV in 2013-2015. Data collected: 3.12.2014 - 10.1.2015/KV Data created: 14.1.2015/KV, in English 9.4.2015/KV,Florence,Italy Imputation 4.4.2015: only missing information in certain backgrounds, minimal amount of missing values imputed using Phases 1 and 2. Variables names and short descriptions: Aa Making sure you remember things well Ab Developing as a person Ac Building up knowledge by acquiring facts and information Ad Being able to use the information you've acquired Ae Understanding new material for yourself Af Seeing things in a different and more meaningful way ST01 I manage to find conditions for studying which allow me to get on with my work easily. SU02 Often I find myself wondering whether the work I'm doing here is really worthwhile. D03 I usually set out to understand for myself the meaning of what we have to learn. ST04 I organize my study time carefully to make the best use of it. SU05 I find I have to concentrate on just memorising a good deal of what I have to learn. D06 I look at the evidence carefully and try to reach my own conclusion about what I'm studying. D07 I try to relate ideas I come across to those in other topics or other course whenever possible. SU08 I tend to read very little beyond what is actually required to pass. ST09 I think I'm quite systematic and organised when it comes to revising for exams. SU10 There's not much of the work here that I find interesting or relevant. D11 When I'm reading an article or book, I try to find out for myself exactly what the author means. ST12 I'm pretty good at getting down to work whenever I need to. SU13 Much of what I'm studying makes little sense: it's like unrelated bit and pieces. D14 When I'm working on a new topic, I try to see in my own mind how all the ideas fit together. D15 Often I find myself questioning things I hear in lectures or read in books. SU16 I concentrate to learning just those bits of information I have to know to pass. ST17 I'm good at following up some of the reading suggested by lecturers or tutors. SU18 When I look back, I sometimes wonder why I ever decided to come here. D19 When I'm reading I stop from time to time to reflect on what I am trying to learn from it. ST20 I work steadily through the term or semester, rather than leave it all until the last minute. SU21 I'm not really sure what's important in lectures, so I try to get down all I can. D22 Ideas in course books or articles often set me off on long chains of thought of my own. D23 When I read, I examine the details carefully to see how they fit in with what's being said. SU24 I gear my studying closely to just what seems to be required for assignments and exams. ST25 I usually plan out my week's work in advance, either on paper or in my head. SU26 I'm not really interested in this course, but I have to take it for other reasons. D27 Before tackling a problem or assignment, I first try to work out what lies behind it. ST28 I generally make good use of my time during the day. SU29 I often have trouble in making sense of the things I have to remember. D30 I like to play around with ideas of my own even if they don't get me very far. D31 It's important for me to be able to follow the argument, or to see the reason behind things. SU32 I like to be told precisely what to do in essays or other assignments. Ca Lecturers who tell us exactly what to put down in our notes. Cb Lecturers who encourage us to think for ourselves and show us how they themselves think. Cc Exams which hallow me to show that I've thought about the course material for myself. Cd Exams or tests which need only the material provided in our lecture notes. Ce Courses in which it's made very clear just which books we have to read. Cf Courses where we're encouraged to read around the subject a lot for ourselves. Cg Books which challenge you and provide explanations which go beyond the lectures. Ch Book which give you definite facts and information which can easily be learned. Da I feel confident I can master statistics topics Db Statistics will be useful for my future work Dc I am interested in understanding statistics Dd I did well in high school mathematics courses De I am interested in learning statistics Df I feel insecure when I have to do statistics problems Dg I like statistics Dh I am scared by statistics Di I feel confident in doing math operations Dj Statistics will be useful for my future studies Age Age (in years) derived from the date of birth Attitude Global attitude toward statistics Points Exam points gender Gender: M (Male), F (Female) Background of measures: Measures A and C are based on parts A and C in ASSIST (Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students) and D is based on SATS (Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics) The items of the central measure in this study (ASSIST B) are named so that the connections to the corresponding dimensions (Deep/SUrface/STrategic) can be easily seen. Compared to the original 52 item ASSIST we here used a brief version (created by Primi, Chiesi et al), including 32 items. The survey was done originally in Finnish. The measures A,C,D were translated in Finnish by Kimmo Vehkalahti and Liisa Myyry. Measure B had been earlier translated by Miia Erkkilä (2008), see Some background and other variables are omitted from this version, otherwise all 183 responses are included. There are no missing values. Data are used for teaching purposes from 1/2017 on with a course Introduction to Open Data Science. Some preliminary results were shown in Rio de Janeiro (ISI 2015): -------------------------------------------------------------- Information about creating further variables are found in: