((historical web page from 1993, up to date page is: here ))

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Home page in English (this) | and at the University of Illinois

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Range calculations | Research interests

Publication database

Education and current position

MSc, University of Helsinki, 1993
PhD, University of Helsinki, 1995
Academy Fellow (Academy of Finland)

Contact information


Accelerator Laboratory
P.O.Box 43 (Pietari Kalmink. 2)
00014 University of Helsinki
tel. +358-9-19150007
fax +358-9-19150042


Kai Nordlund
Retkeilijänkuja 8 F
00980 Helsinki
tel. +358-9-72693090

mobile phone:

GSM +358-40-5562806

Or when in Illinois (see below for dates):

Dr. Kai Nordlund
Materials Research Laboratory
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
104 S. Goodwin Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801, USA

phone (217) 265-8152
fax (217) 244-2278

Home (Oct-Dec 2000):
1207 E. Florida Ave. #21A
Urbana, IL 61801
phone: +1 (217) 337-5902

email (works whereever I am):

kai.nordlund@helsinki.fi (or knordlun@rock.helsinki.fi or knordlun@beam.helsinki.fi)

Research interests and group

I work mainly at the Accelerator Laboratory, which is a part of the Physics Department at the University of Helsinki.

My main research interest is studying far-from equilibrium effects in materials using computational and experimental methods. This involves chiefly simulation of ion irradiation effects in semiconductors and metals, but also increasingly modelling of X-ray diffraction from defects and quantum dots, and studies of nanocluster behaviour.

The Accelerator laboratory ion beam research group consists of about 15 scientists lead by Prof. Juhani Keinonen. The computational team within the group consists of myself, one postdoc, and about five students.

Should you want to know more of what I have been doing, you can choose between:

Research group presentation in English

Some text on ion range calculations (MDRANGE, BCA, TRIM and all that)

Publication database

Teaching activity (in Finnish, Swedish and English)

Laskennallisen fysiikan erikoistumisvaihtoehto

Monte Carlo simulations / Monte Carlo-simuloinnit

Introduction to atomistic simulations/ Johdatus atomistisiin simulointeihin

Fasta tillståndets fysik 2000

Summer school in materials physics and nanotechnology 2000

Current and previous positions

The most important scientific positions I have held are:
( = current or future position, = previous position)

Academy Research Fellow, Academy of Finland 1.8 2000 - 31.7 2005
Senior assistant, University of Helsinki 1.8 1999 - 31.7 2004 (on leave)
Docent in physics, University of Helsinki
Visiting scholar, University of Illinois 15.10 - 15.12 2000
Professor in physics (locum tenens), University of Helsinki 1.1 2000 - 31.7 2000
Junior Fellow, Academy of Finland 1.8 1996 - 31.12 1999
Visiting scholar, University of Illinois 1.7 - 31.8 1998 and 15.10 - 28.11 1999
Assistant, University of Helsinki 1.2 1996 - 31.7 1999 (on leave all of the time)
Postdoctoral research associate, University of Illinois 27.4 1996 - 31.12 1997
Research scientist, University of Helsinki, 1994 - 1996
Research assistant (part-time, in total 16 months), University of Helsinki, 1991 - 1993

(At Finnish universities it is perfectly possible, and even normal, to hold several positions at once, while being on leave from some of them.)

Other interests:

Physical society in Finland (not to be mistaken for the Finnish Physical Society)