First make 1 cluster: ~/md/structure/makeFCC 3.62 12 | grep ^Cu | awk '{ r=sqrt($2^2+$3^2+$4^2); if (r<10) print $2,$3,$4 }' > clus_10A m clus_10A -8.145 -4.525 -2.715 -8.145 -4.525 0.905 -8.145 -2.715 -4.525 -8.145 -0.905 -2.715 -8.145 -2.715 -0.905 -8.145 -0.905 0.905 Then rotate twice to get two different clusters (script given below): rotate_euler 34 97 22 < clus_10A > clus_10A_rot1 rotate_euler 24 17 62 < clus_10A > clus_10A_rot2 The form joint xyz file for mdmorse: wc clus_10A_rot1 336 1008 9336 clus_10A_rot1 wc clus_10A_rot2 336 1008 9336 clus_10A_rot2 Check what is actual minimum and maximum z coordinate: min < clus_10A_rot1 -9.08003 -9.16872 -9.32828 max < clus_10A_rot2 9.33743 9.70212 9.32001 Using this information placed two clusters so they are separated by 4 Å in z: This means old minimum or maximum of about 9.3 should be displaced to +2 and -2 Å, i.e. by 11.3 Å: cat clus_10A_rot1 clus_10A_rot2 | awk 'BEGIN { print 2*336; print } { if (NR<=336) print "Cu",$1,$2,$3+11.3,1; else print "Cu",$1,$2,$3-11.3,1; }' > Checked by rasmol this is OK. Then started simulation. Used no P control, btctau=300, open boundaries in all dimensions. mdmorse |& tee out.600K_1 Used cutoff=7.0 since this is pretty close to accurate (compare previous simulations on course) dpc msleep 100 m 4 d 20 cube 20 sd 800 800 xyz erase sort 2 4 3 5 atoms.out Answer: the two clusters merge and the lattice planes join. Actually this happens many times, the cluster transforms shape spontaneously! Then restarted with extremely slow cooling: tail -674 < atoms.out | awk 'NF<3 { print; } NF>2 { print $1,$2,$3,$4,1 }' > Set btctau to 30000, then mdmorse | & tee out.600K_1_cool ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Script rotate_euler: gawk -v psi=$1 -v phi=$2 -v theta=$3 'BEGIN { if (psi==-9999 && phi=-9999 && theta=-9999) { srand(); psi=rand()*180.0; phi=rand()*180.0; theta=rand()*180.0; printf "rotate_euler using random angle %g %g %g\n",psi,phi,theta >> "/dev/stderr"; } psi=3.1415927/180*phi; phi=3.1415927/180*psi; theta=3.1415927/180*theta; } { x=$1*(cos(phi)*cos(psi)-sin(phi)*sin(psi)*cos(theta))+$2*(-sin(phi)*cos(psi)-cos(phi)*sin(psi)*cos(theta))+$3*sin(psi)*sin(theta); y=$1*(cos(phi)*sin(psi)+sin(phi)*cos(psi)*cos(theta))+$2*(-sin(phi)*sin(psi)+cos(phi)*cos(psi)*cos(theta))-$3*cos(psi)*sin(theta); z=$1*sin(phi)*sin(theta)+$2*cos(phi)*sin(theta)+$3*cos(theta); printf "%g %g %g %s %s\n",x,y,z,$4,$5,$6 }'