Randomness and order in the exact sciences

Self- and co-assembling soft matter

Tuesday 3 September 2013
House of the Estates
Säätytalo, Helsinki, Finland

Helge Lemmetyinen
Tampere University of Technology
Helge Lemmetyinen is Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering of Tampere University of Technology and leader of the research group Supramolecular Photochemistry. He obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry at Helsinki University in 1983. After postdoctoral work at the Hahn-Meitner Institute in Berlin and at Leiden University 1983 - 1984, he worked in industry and was subsequently Lecturer and Associate Professor at Helsinki University until 1993. He was elected Ordinary Member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters in 2002. His research interests are electron transfer reactions in solutions and in artificially or self-assembled molecular systems and their application in molecular devices and solar cells. In 2011 he was awarded the Millenium Distiction Award for his pioneering development work in solar power.

Title: Photochemistry in organized thin films
Abstract: Chemical reactions are mainly studied in solutions. Most of the natural and biological reactions take place, however, in organized assemblies, e.g. membranes, vesicles, micelles, and in supramolecular structures, in viscous soft or even solid environments. Reactive molecules in organized assemblies and in solid phases behave differently than in solutions. The influence and importance of external factors such as solvent, temperature, distances, and anisotropy are changed. An important question remains, whether the reactions still could be described as a thermally activated process as suggested by the classical theories. Several techniques provide precise control over the film thickness and a possibility to construct multilayer structures with desired layer sequences on large areas. When external light is used for creating reactions, i.e. working with photochemistry, a new aspect, ultra-fast processes, will play an important role. The interaction of photons with films with thicknesses of a few nanometers is a potential component in different applications and devices such as displays, sensors, electronic circuits, and photovoltaics.
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