A podcast about the Conferment tradition

In a podcast-series in 10 parts, the doctors Eva Ahl-Waris and Kristina Ranki investigates the history of the conferment and the fact that it has survived through centuries. One of the entries is in English, three in Swedish and six in Finnish.
Episodes 1 (in Finnish): Maisterin seppeleestä tohtorin miekkaan (17.1)

Episode 1 is only in Finnish.

Episode 2 (in Finnish): Rituaali, näytelmä ja ponnistus -podcast (16.2)

Episode 2 is only in Finnish.

Episode 3: The best festivities in Finland are academic! (17.3)
Episode 4 (in Swedish): Mina bästa promotionsminnen (13.4)

Episode 4 is only in Swedish.

Episode 5 (in Swedish): Promotionskonst – dikt, dans och immersion

Episode 5 of the podcast is only in Swedish.

Episode 6 (in Swedish): Retorik

Episode 6 is only in Swedish.

Episode 7 (in Finnish): Barabbas on irti! Riemua ja outoja perinteitä

Episode 7 is only in Finnish.

Episode 8 (in Finnish): Koulutettuna kaupungille – kasvatuksen koreografiaa

Episode 8 is only in Finnish.

Episode 9 (in Finnish): Promootio on ongelma

Episode 9 is only in Finnish.

Episode 10 (in Finnish): Perinne ja uudistus – promootio elävänä kulttuuriperintönä

Episode 10 is only in Finnish.