Explore our International Master's Programmes

At the University of Helsinki, you can choose from a wide variety of multidisciplinary master's programmes with English as the language of instruction.

Check out the list of our 35 International Master's Programmes and visit their websites for more information.

Please note that there is only one intake per academic year. The applications for studies starting in autumn 2024 closed on 3 Jan 2024. Thanks to all the applicants!

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International Master's Programmes

How to develop sustainable food and energy production? How to use automation and robotics in agriculture in the future?

In the Master’s Programme in Agricultural Sciences, you can pursue studies in agrotechnology, animal science, environmental soil science or plant production sciences. The University of Helsinki is the only university in Finland to offer academic education in this field.

How to solve issues related to agriculture, biodiversity, food and forests? How are oceans re­stored as oceans?

In the Master’s Programme in Agricultural, Environmental and Resource Economics (AGERE), economics and natural sciences are combined. You will become a professional in applied economics in agricultural, environmental and resource-focused fields and well versed in topics such as climate policy, sustainable agriculture and food security.

How to prevent hurricane disasters? How is climate changing? How do ecosystems interact with the atmosphere/hydrosphere/lithosphere?

In the Master's Programme in Atmospheric Sciences, you study aer­o­sol phys­ics, geo­phys­ics of the hy­dro­sphere, met­eor­o­logy, biogeo­chem­ical cycles, re­mote sens­ing or at­mo­spheric chemistry and analysis. You learn to work with environmental issues and deal with matters like air pollution, climate change, deforestation, extreme weather and water resources.

How to lead the future of learning?

In the Master’s Programme in Changing Education, you get an understanding of education as a dynamic and transformable construct from the individual neural level to global policies. You also gain the knowledge and skills to analyse, develop and influence the practices and structures of education systems, institutions, teaching and pedagogical issues.

How to de­tect ill­nesses from breath? Can spent nuclear fuel be safely contained in bedrock? How does chemistry benefit bioeconomy?

In the Master's Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, you learn experimental research methods in many fields of chemistry, like analytical and synthetic chemistry, radiochemistry, molecular research, and spectroscopy.

How will algorithms affect our societies? What are all the things that could be automated? How can we make future digital services more secure?

In the Master's Programme in Computer Science, you get skills that can lead you to create new network solutions, build the future digital society, develop secure digital services, or be involved in a ground-breaking software project.

How to deal with complex, increasingly diverse and rapidly changing issues of contemporary societies? How to use data for social good?

In the Master's Programme in Contemporary Societies, you choose from six major subjects: Global Development Studies,  Social and Cultural Anthropology, Social and Public Policy, Social Data Science, Social Psychology, or Sociology. You also study themes like Data and Society, Ethnic Relations and Migration, Mind and Society, Socio-Cultural Shifts and Sources of Inequalities.

How to pre­vent ship­wrecks with the help of big data? How to construct solutions to complex data analysis problems?

In the Master's Programme in Data Science, elements from computer science and mathematical sciences are combined. You gain a solid knowledge of the central concepts, theories, and research methods of data science as well as applied skills. You acquire skills in topics such as machine learning, distributed systems and statistical methods.

Which spe­cies are able to ad­apt to en­vir­on­mental change? Why are some species able to invade new habitats?

In the Master's Programme in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, you get a perspective on biology from the level of genes to communities of species by studying ecology, evolutionary biology and conservation biology. The field courses range from the northern subarctic region to tropical rainforests.

How do you analyse economic phenomena from the societal point of view? How to decide how many mobile phone operators to have? 

In the Master's Programme in Economics, you focus on the key elements of economic analysis and methods. You take courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics. In addition, you can choose courses in subfields of economics, for example, economic theory, industrial organisation, international economics, labour economics, public economics, development economics, and behavioural and experimental economics. 

Teaching in the programme is arranged in cooperation with the departments of economics at Aalto University and Hanken School of Economics. Together with the discipline of economics at the University of Helsinki, they form the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics (Helsinki GSE). The unit offers the most extensive selection of economics courses in Finland.

How did Eng­lish be­come a world language? How is sociocultural change and language change related?

In the Master’s Programme in English Studies at the University of Helsinki, you develop your expertise in areas that are often separated in other programmes: English language and linguistics, literature in English and the teaching of English. You can also combine modules from other programmes to your degree, for example, Digital Humanities and Literary Studies.


How to solve problems of socio-ecological sustainability?

In the Master’s Programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability (ECGS), you learn to tackle global environmental and sustainability challenges by integrating both natural and social sciences perspectives. You can also study topics like food and sustainability, climate studies, indigenous stud­ies, urban studies, global land use or Baltic sea stud­ies.

Why does Europe matter? How to understand populism in Europe? What is the significance of regional cooperation in the Nordic context?

In the Master's Programme in European and Nordic Studies, you get an understanding of European society, politics and culture today and in history. You benefit from the strengths of Nordic research on Europe with its strong focus on regional cooperation, diversity, identities, institutions, culture and politics of history and memory. You learn to know the Nordic countries through a European perspective and Europe from a Nordic perspective.

What will people eat in the fu­ture? What is behind the good taste of food?

In the Master's Programme in Food Sciences, your studies cover the whole food production chain from primary production via food processing to consumers. You explore innovations in food and how to improve the healthiness, safety, ecology and ethics of food and food processing. You also learn laboratory working skills and increase your knowledge of food composition, processing, structure and legislation.

How can forests help in fighting cli­mate change? How to grow trees in a sustainable and efficient manner?

In the Master's Programme in Forest Sciences, you get a broad and versatile perspective on forests and their use. Your study and apply knowledge in biology, biogeochemistry, business economics, environmental sciences, logistics, geoinformatics and IT. You become a professional in forest ecology, the management and use of forest resources and forest bioeconomy business and policy.

How are the building blocks of life arranged? How do genes regulate the development of cells, tissues and organisms? How do molecules, cells and tissues function and communicate with each other?

In the Master's programme in Genetics and Molecular Biosciences, you get in-depth knowledge and skills in modern genetics and molecular biosciences. You can specialise in Biochemistry and Structural Biology, Cell and Developmental Biology, Genetics and Genomics or Molecular Analytical Health Biosciences.

How to un­der­stand geo­graph­ical de­vel­op­ment and dif­fer­en­ti­ation of our planet?

In the Master's Programme in Geography, you study (1) physical geography, (2) geoinformatics or (3) urban and human geography and spatial planning. You get an understanding of current social and environmental issues in a top-ranked programme based on high-quality research groups.

How will we re­act to the changes of the planet? How to sustain a growing population on our dynamic planet?

In the Master's Programme in Geology and Geophysics, you are trained to address pressing questions concerning our home planet's evolution, its role as the source of raw materials needed by modern civilisation, and environmental issues. You can study Petrology and Economic Geology, Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Palaeontology and Global Change and Solid Earth Geophysics.

How to deal with the chal­lenges of glob­al­ising law? How are norms that go beyond the "law" produced by states and international organisations?

In the Master's Programme in Global Governance Law (GGL), you develop the skills to understand and deal with the challenges of globalising law. You study law and globalisation, public international law, European Union law, global administrative law, advanced human rights law and examine for example international institutions, decision-making and governance in the EU.

How can knowledge help us prevent confrontation? What is the role of the media in the transformation of contemporary democracies?

In the Master's Programme in Global Politics and Communication, you combine political science, communication studies and global political economy. You apply ideas, concepts and methodologies to key societal and political issues and develop your critical reasoning and argumentation skills.

How does nutrition maintain our health? How does culture influence our food choices? How is food discussed in the media?

In the Master’s Programme in Human Nutrition and Food-Related Behaviour (HNFB), you focus on human nutrition and food-related behaviour from the perspective of public health nutrition, nutritional physiology and social sciences. You gain an understanding of the significance of nutrition to human physiology and health, learn to analyse the physiological, psychological, social and cultural aspects linked to food choices and recognise the diversity of food and nutritional issues and ways to influence them.

How can plants help us cope with global challenges? How do plants maintain ecosystems and thus life?

In the Master’s Programme in Integrative Plant Sciences (previously Master's Programme in Plant Biology), you study the diversity of wild and cultivated plants from the Arctic to the Tropics, as well as plant functions from the molecular to the ecosystem level. You can choose courses in topics like plant biotechnology and breeding, molecular biology and genetics, plant ecology and evolutionary biology, diversity and systematics of plants and fungi and regulation of growth, reproduction and differentiation of tissues.

How to build bridges between diverse communities? How to promote cultural diversity in a globalised world?

In the Master's Programme in Intercultural Encounters, you focus on questions of cultural diversity and mutual understanding and get insight into the diversified world from different perspectives such as religion, conflicts, human interaction, living traditions and transnationalism. You learn to deal with issues of intercultural interaction, diversity, internationalisation, cultural management, the media and power.

How can mathematics and in­form­at­ics help you un­der­stand nature?

In the Master's Programme in Life Science Informatics, you combine the world of biodata and the expertise to utilise it.  You can study al­gorithmic bioin­form­at­ics, ap­plied bioin­form­at­ics, bio­mathem­at­ics, bio­s­tat­ist­ics and bioin­form­at­ics, eco-evol­u­tion­ary in­form­at­ics and sys­tems bio­logy and medicine.

What is special about the human mind that makes language possible? Why are there so many different languages and are some more complex than others?  Why do computers struggle with translating? Does your mobile device really understand what you are saying? Is it more difficult to learn for AI to communicate in natural speech than drive a car? Why doesn't computer-synthesised speech sound human?

In the Master's Programme in Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities (previously the Master's Programme in Linguistic Diversity in Digital Age), you deepen your understanding of the nature and diversity of human language and the theoretical and digital tools for working with language and speech. You may also focus on digital methods in other fields within humanities or on human cognition and artificial intelligence. You can specialise in Cognitive Science, Digital Humanities, General Linguistics, Language Technology or Phonetics.

How to solve the en­ergy prob­lem? How to develop technology with new materials?

In the Master's Programme in Materials Research (MATRES), you focus on the fundamental physical and chemical problems in synthesising and characterising materials, developing new materials and improving existing ones. You can study ex­per­i­mental materials phys­ics, com­pu­ta­tional materials phys­ics, med­ical phys­ics and bio­phys­ics, poly­mer materials chemistry, in­or­ganic materials chemistry and elec­tron­ics and in­dus­trial ap­plic­a­tions.

How to cal­cu­late your­self into the cen­ter of the Earth?

In the Master’s Programme in Mathematics and Statistics, you get a  solid basis for mathematics and statistics applications. You can study topics like geometry, algebra, topology, mathematical logic, mathematical physics, applied analysis, mathematical modelling, the mathematics of imaging, stochastics, insurance, financial mathematics, probabilistic modelling, statistics and social statistics.

How to avoid microbial spoilage of food?

In the Master's Programme in Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology, you learn about microbes and the biotechnological applications as well as what research techniques are used to study viruses, bacteria and other microbes. Your studies include topics like the application of microbiological knowledge, biotechnology and bioinformatics, functional principles of microbial cells and communities, research methods in microbiology and solving microbiological problems.

How are our brains making us conscious, sense, feel and act? What are the neurobiological bases of behaviour?

In the Master's Programme in Neuroscience, you study Neuroscience or Cell and Systems Physiology and learn to understand of the diverse functions of the brain and the nervous system, and the complexity of life from molecules to functional organisms.

How did we get here from the big bang? How to understand space?

In the Master’s Programme in Particle Physics and Astrophysical Sciences, you get an extensive understanding of particle physics and cosmology and/or astrophysical sciences. You gain expertise in basic research and acquire proficiency in the use of mathematical methods, IT tools, experimental equipment, as well as strong problem-solving and logical deduction skills.

How to cre­ate ef­fect­ive, safe and sustainable drug treat­ments of the fu­ture?

In the Master’s Programme in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety, you obtain a comprehensive overview of the life cycle of drugs and their use. You can specialise in 1) drug discovery and pharmacology, 2) drug development and 3) medication safety and effectiveness. The perspective of Green and Sustainable Pharmacy, essential for managing the global sustainability challenge, is integrated into the curriculum.

How does knowing Russia, Eurasia and Eastern Europe help you to understand global developments?

In the Master’s Programme in Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies (MAREEES), you explore how societal, political, security, environmental or identity-related changes impact the region. You benefit from the latest research by leading academic experts in the field and develop an understanding and the ability to interpret complex area-specific questions and their global inter-relatedness.

How can we infer general principles from limited observations? How to create mathematical models of natural phenomena?

In the Master’s Programme in Theoretical and Computational Methods, you get a strong basis in the theoretical methods, modelling, and mathematical and numerical analysis within physics, mathematics, chemistry and/or computer science.

How to make scientific discoveries benefit the patients? How to improve future diagnostics?

In the Master's Programme in Translational Medicine (TRANSMED), you learn to facilitate new therapies and medical procedures by implementing research findings in patient care, and by applying clinical data in research. This requires understanding both science and medicine. You also interact directly with researchers and clinicians to adopt and practice interdisciplinary communication skills.

How do we deal with and develop complex urban environments? What can be done to prevent residential segregation and inequality?

In the Master’s Programme in Urban Studies and Planning, you become a professional capable of understanding and addressing complex urban development challenges. You can specialise in Urban Planning and Design (USP Plans), Urban Life, Economy and Cultures (USP Peoples) or Urban Ecologies and Systems (USP Systems).